Moving on

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We left the Whitsundays behind and moved on to Agnes Water and Town of 1770 (what a cool name for a town). This was a mammoth drive so along the way we stopped at an Aboriginal culture centre in Rockhampton. Here we learnt how to throw a boomerang were given a didgeridoo performance amongst other things. I don’t have time to go into it in detail!

We stopped for two days at 1770. Kat, Naomi and I camped on a really nice campsite in Town of 1770 whilst Emily and Brian stayed a little way up the road in a luxury apartment in Agnes Water. Our main adventure here was spending an afternoon out ridingĀ  a chopper – a lot of fun. It was amazing ridingĀ  a motorbike, although a little scary as we didn’t have any leathers or elbow and knee pads. I did manage a not very impressive 80 kilometers an hour before remembering that if I fell off and hit the road at that speed it wouldn’t be very pretty and slowed down! I do think I might like a motorbike though it was ace riding along with a panoramic view of the scenery.

From Town of 1770 we moved on to Harvey Bay. Here Naomi and I went over to Fraser Island for a few days whilst the others stayed behind – more on that later.

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