The meaning of Blog!

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Just a short post tonight as the coast of going to an internet cafe every night is starting to add up!! Plus I’m tired and want to go home, drink tea and eat chocolate. See even in South Korean nothing really changes!

Dad said everyone is asking him what a blog is. Basically bog is short for Weblog, which is an online journal or diary. In recent years Blogs have become massively popular. Some heads of major companies have weblogs or blogs (obviously as a marketing exercise), the BBC news political editor, Nick Robinson, has his own blog that is often promoted on the BBC news homepage. You can access it here.

A few of my friends also have blogs that I have linked to in the links bar on the right.

I found this information on the term blog on Wikipedia.

The short form, “blog,” was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in April or May of 1999. This was quickly adopted as both a noun and verb (“to blog,” meaning “to edit one’s weblog or to post to one’s weblog”).

For a more detailed explanation of blogs and blogging check out Wikipedia by clicking this link.

That’s it for tonight. I’ll check in again tomorrow night.

Ta da for now.

j150vsc – Wed, 2006 – 09 – 20 11:10

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