Just a short post to apologise for not updating this blog much latley.
Things have been very busy. I moved house last Sunday and it was soooooo dirty I have spent the last week cleaning it in preperation for Katrina’s arrival later today. Also I was ill last week and the last thing I felt like doing was sitting in a hot internet cafe.
This week is going to be a busy one with Katrina arriving today but hopefully I will get chance to blog the rest of the maskdance festaval, the wedding I went to over a week ago and the kindergarten trip from last Friday.
I had a quiet weekend this weeekend. I spent all day saturday cleaning and all saturday evening and sunday shopping so not much to report. I’ll be up to date soon. I the mean time check out the photos of the wedding that I’ve uploaded to the photos section.
* Posted by j150vsc on 23/10/2006.
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