A legend, a superstitious village and a park full of giant Penises……only in Korea!

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One afternoon a young fisherman took his young virgin fancee out to sea to collect seaweed. They stopped on a rock a short way off shore and she began picking seaweed. The fisherman returned to shore promising to come back and pick his betrothed up from the rock. As the fisherman arrived back on shore the wind got up and the waves became big. It was too perilous for the fisherman to journey back to his fiancee who was now stranded on the rock.

Eventually the high waves swept the virgin off the rock and she was tragically drowned.

From that day forth the fisherman in the small seaside village were unable to catch any fish. Rumor said that the girl’s tormented soul was causing the sea to become barren. In an attempt to appease her spirit the people of the village began carving penises and performing rituals. Once they began doing this the fisherman were again able to achieve a good catch.

Hundreds of years later this legend has lead the erection(!) of a park consisting entirely of massive penises.

I stumbled across this place, called Haeshindang Park in Samcheok-si,  by accident whilst on an adventure Korea trip. We were told to walk down to the beach with no indication of what lay in store. Soon we were laughing, joking and posing for almost indecent photographs as we came across sculpture after sculpture of giant penises.

Penis park – It looks like an Anne Summer party for giants – if you know what I mean!
Bright colours and many different sizes. Some of the sculptures resembled something you’ld find at an Anne Summers party, just on a much larger scale!

This was certainly a strange thing to come across in Korea, especially as a number of the carvings were explicitly detailed. Koreans are a fairly prudish nation who glare at us westerners for daring to bare our shoulders and show a bit of cleavage during the swelteringly hot summer months.

But the ajummas (old women) lost their familiar grimaces and accusing stares as they walked around giggling and looking in awe at the massive dicks surrounding them. One even stopped and jovially engaged in a competition with a passing foreigner to see who could shout: “oh my god” with the most dramatic effect!

By far the most surprising thing I have come across in Korea and possibly the only place I have ever seen a smiling ajumma.

I’ll leave you the photos that I’m sure your dieing to see.

Penis park – Three very large ummmm wll… you know!
There was a much more explicit version of this photo but I deemed it too much for the blog!! (There are some thngs your parents shouldn’t ever see!)

I understand the park and the penis sculptures but I don’t understand how these three men can be appeasing the sole of a dead virgin. Two of them appear to be masturbating and the dogs in the background are all staring at their masters penises. To me it just looks like soft porn!? But we had a laugh with them all the same!

Over and out for today. I’m getting good at this adding more content thingamy.

* Posted by j150vsc on 24/04/2007.

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