No more JCK 2 Free Talking – Assha

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Written on Friday 1st June 2007

Never ever, ever, ever again will I have to teach JCK 2 Free Talking.

I despise this class to the point where I now put as much effort into the class as the kids – zero.

When I first arrived I was warned about them. Apparently they earned the nickname ‘Jurassic Park’ from the previous foreign teacher because they incessantly made dinosaur noises during his class.

Today sitting in the the classroom and realising it was my last ever class with them there was a pang of guilt when I realised I couldn’t even be bothered to make their last lesson fun. But they didn’t deserve it, so instead I gave them the work then wrote in my journal and they did absolutely nothing – as usual.

The video below shows an exceptionally well behaved lesson with them, until Rebecca takes things too far performing for the camera.

Katrina has has similar problems with this class and has also stopped bothering with them. She has a fantastic video of them running riot in the classroom which I will try and add to this post at a later date.

As I was leaving today I told them I wouldn’t be teaching them again because I was going back to England. Rebecca, with a big grin on her face, turned to me and said: “bye bye.” As I left the room Nick could be heard shouting Assha. (Korean for yippee or yeah).

It seems this class are as happy to get rid of me as I am of them!

* Posted by j150vsc on 05/06/2007.
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