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I just came across this (OneWebDay) on the BBC news website and figured I should do something to mark the occasion.

So a reflection on how the web has changed my life. It’ll have to be short and sweet as I only have a few minutes.

Firstly I have this blog and am able to communicate with (effectively) millions of people simultaneously. Obviously there are probably more like five people reading this blog but the potential is still there!

The web enables me to send information via email (using hotmail, before someone points out the difference between the web and the internet) at the touch of a button.

Using services such as MSN messenger enables me to talk to people and stay in contact with people that I would probably otherwise have lost touch with.

Whilst the internet has been criticised for encouraging people to socalise less it is also a great aid to communication. At the touch of a button I am able to have a real time (all be it typed) conversation with someone in England whilst sitting in an internet cafe in South Korea! Amazing really when you think about it.

Lastly, cause I really have to log off.

Without the lure of online journalism I would probably have given up on the idea of being a journalist when I realised I could NEVER work for a local newspaper! Which incidentally was half way through my degree in journalism!! The capacity for journalism on the web is immense and with the rise of citizen journalism who knows where it could end!

Also the web has revelotionised the ability of the journalist to carry out research. I have no idea how journalists (and ordinary people) ever functioned without the ability to ‘google it’ in order to find out almost anything.

Gota go. Happy OneWebDay! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

j150vsc – Fri, 2006 – 09 – 22 11:34

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