The journey begins

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I am sat here waiting for the phone to ring and there to be a Korean person on the other end ready to interview me for a teaching job! Strangely I’m not that nervous, maybe because I know it will only be a five minute interview or maybe because I know there is nothing I can prepare and I know I just need to do my best and hope it’s enough.

So, I guess the journey begins here.

I spent last weekend sat in a very hot hotel room in Leeds learning how to teach English. I am now equipped to walk into a classroom, take charge and actually pass my knowledge on to others – or at least I’m supposed to be! It’s a scary thought that someone is going to leave me in charge of a class of children. The course was good and I’ve come away understanding the basics of teaching English, I have an idea of how to plan a lesson, how to decided what to teach and how to do it in a way that will keep the children entertained – hopefully! So maybe I am equipped for my first day working as an English teacher.

I’d never though about teaching before this opportunity came up and I’ve never been fond of children, so even to me it seems like a very odd thing to be doing. A friend of mine who taught in Taiwan for two years assures me that I will grow to love the children – as she did during her time as a teacher.

The thing that really scares me is that I am going to in a country where I can’t even comprehend the alphabet let alone speak the language. And from what I’ve been told so far I am likely to be the only native English speaker at the school, and possibly one of only two people at the school who can speak any English – that could make for some very lonely break times – if I get any that is!

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