Day two… (Sunday 22 September)

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… has been chilled and relaxed. The truck took us into Arusha this morning where I blogged and had some lunch.

Arusha is North Tanzania’s commercial centre and the go to place for safari – which I where I am heading tomorrow (have I mentioned that?).

We didn’t see much of the city apart from a shopping complex which boasted a supermarket and a number of shops, most of which were closed because it was Sunday.

Outside the complex was a street market. Locals lined the dirt pavements selling their wares of fruit and veg above them towering a tree with the most beautiful purple blossom. I have since learned it is the jackarana tree (I have no idea how to correctly spell it).


Like most of the places I have seen so far it was all very basic but not necessarily poor, just not as developed as we are. The odd beggar sat on the side of the street and hawkers followed you around trying to sell paintings. But they were all very good natured and unusually for hawkers took notice when you said no thank you.

So far Africa seems like a very pleasant enjoyable place. I think I might like it here.

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