No more “Jenna Seon-saeng-nim (teacher)”

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Today feels like a bit of a dream. I though I’d be upset at leaving school especially leaving behind my kindy babies but walking out of the classroom for the final time was a lot easier than I expected.

Maybe it was because some of the kindy kids were a pain in the arse today. Or maybe it was because three kids cried during my last lesson or maybe it just hasn’t hit me yet; but I’m surprisingly unphased about my last day at work.

We had a speech contest today so my afternoon classes finished yesterday. I’d been counting the days until these were over, so it was no great surprise that ending the day yesterday I felt more elation than sadness. But I do wonder when the reality will sink in that I am never going back to that school. As I left today, aside from the grin, pleasantry’s and hand shake from Mr Kwak, it felt like any other day.

Its strange that I’d been looking forward to this day from months and now it’s here I’m a bit underwhelmed. I’m not particularly happy and I’m not particularly sad. I’m sure both emotions will hit me soon enough.

Reflecting on the last nine months, my time as Jenna Seon-saeng-nim has brought many different emotions and experiences. I began this phase of the journey not really a fan of children and am leaving knowing the joys that kids can bring. I have learnt to be more patient, to leave my personal problems outside the classroom and not take them out on the kids (most of the time!). I’ve lived in another country with all the joys and stresses of daily life surrounded by people who don’t speak my language. I’ve learnt to appreciate the Korean culture and I’ve even, just about, learnt to ignore the constant staring. I’ve been to a singing room and last night I even defended two of the Korean teacher by actually singing into the microphone (well they made me). I’ve drank Soju, eaten chickens feet, and discovered I don’t really like Korean food!

I guess the reason I don’t really know how to feel right now is because leaving my job and leaving Korea brings mixed emotions. I am eager to get on with the journey and see what the next phase will bring. But there is part of me, that despite my complaints and winging over the last nine months, I will miss the kids, Korea and (in a way!) the school.

* Posted by j150vsc on 08/06/2007.

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