Kids often bring random objects into school but today surpassed all expectations.
I walked into my class to find three boys, one holding a leaf, crowded around the television tugging at something underneath it. When they finally loosed their prize they showed me a live snail!
Nothing my look of distaste one of the kids put the snail back on its leaf and placed it in front of him on the desk.
There was no way I was having a kid playing with a snail in my lesson so I confiscated it! Not really knowing what to do with a confiscated snail that was rapidly, for a snail crawling of its leaf, and unable to make the kid understand I wanted him to go down three flights of stairs and across the road the park and deposit it where he found it my only option was to remove it from the classroom. The kid couldn’t believe it as I walked out the classroom with his snail, luckily I quickly spotted the Korean teacher, who I’m sure knew about the snail, and gave it to her.
Now any reasonable person would have taken the snail back outside, but no. I was astounded to leave the lesson to find the snail and leaf carefully deposited in a cup with a piece of plastic over the top preventing its escape. Then as the kids came rushing through the staffroom on their way out the Korean teacher gave the snail and leaf back to the kid who’d brought it into school.
This place never ceases to amaze me! What next?
Three weeks to go – yipee!
* Posted by j150vsc on 18/05/2007.
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